Need Example / Advice about using Cameras.
(too old to reply)
Dr. Pastor
2006-11-02 23:52:58 UTC
Need Example / Advice about using Cameras.
In a very small program using Visual C++ 2005 EE
I want to show the input from a "unibrain Fire-i"
firewire camera.
Q1. What approach should I use?
If I wish to handle "professional" cameras;
Q2. What approach should I use then?
(Please refer to examples if there are any.)
Thanks for any guidance.

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The March Hare [MVP]
2006-11-03 00:04:26 UTC
Need Example / Advice about using Cameras...
How did you miss all the posts in this newsgroups that say "This newsgroup
is no longer active"?

I recommend you read one of them.
Microsoft MVPs: http://www.microsoft.com/mvp and
MVPs.org site http://www.mvps.org
My dshow site: http://tmhare.mvps.org